Monday, June 10, 2013

LG Electronics Tone + HBS-730 Bluetooth Headset - Black

LG - Bluetooth Headset
Witness the enhanced audio and bass response of the next evolutionary step in the LG TONE family. Tone+ Wireless Stereo Headset delivers a high quality audio experience in stereo sound with the convenience of Bluetooth technology. 

Music and phone conversations sound better with enhanced audio and bass response that compliments a wide range of music genres.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

iPad Paintbrush

Beautiful iPhone paintbrush
Click image for more details.
Playing Draw Something on your iPhone is a lot of fun. But no one wants to finger paint forever and sometimes a nice brush for our iPhone would be a great way to channel our creativity. But now you can be the envy of other draw something players and even impress everyone with your painting skills with this great iPhone paintbrush. Not only is this product a beautiful work of design but also of functionality.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Hand Cranked iPhone Charger

Hand Cranked iPhone Charger
Click image for more details.
In this day and age I feel that I'm too dependent on my cell phone. I'm not even talking about wanting to frantically check all the social media, news or email apps. But what if something happens? What if I have an accident, burst a tire or even just a mechanical failure in a remote area... It will be nice to know I have enough battery power to call for help. Well, there is a small gadget that can help you in such a scenario. This hand cranked iPhone battery (actually works with anything that can be charged via USB) has an inbuilt backup battery that can be charged using your own two hands! You just crank a lever and in a couple of minutes you'll have enough power for a quick phone call.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tornado Mixer

Tornado Mixer
Click image for more details.
I think we can all agree Tom Cruise was great in Cocktail and at some point in time everyone wanted to be a bartender, flipping bottles, serving complex mixes and doing all that show. At least until "real life" hits us like a hammer as we break bottles and set fire to the counter. But there is hope for people like us... We can still look pretty cool while mixing drinks and with none of the inherent dangers of being clumsy! Enter the tornado mixer... It might not be as fancy as all that bottle juggling but it's always neat to see your drink being turned into a tornado before storming down your throat!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Chocolate Fountain

Chocolate Fountain
Click image for more information.
This might not be the most innovative product I have shared so far but... Who cares? It's a chocolate fountain! Let that sink in... A fountain. Of chocolate! Get some fruit and dip it in chocolaty goodness! In fact forget about the fruit and just jam your mouth into it! Do what we all dreamt of doing at some point of our lives... Be that person! The William Wallace of chocolate!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Citrus Spray Set

Citrus Spray Set
Click image for more information.
Opening a lemon just to use a bit of juice in a fish dish or a salad will leave it vulnerable to oxidation. If you just let it sit there, waiting patiently for another chance to juice up your food, all its vitamins and great flavor will start to fade sadly into the horizon. I for one refuse this destiny for my little yellow (or green) friend so this ingenious citrus spray came as an obvious choice. Not only will it keep all the flavor and vitamins inside it's natural package (the skin) bit it will also stop all the juice from being wasted as you try to squeeze it.

Like and Dislike Stamps

Like and Dislike Stamps
Click image for more information.
Sometimes I get the feeling there should be a better way to show my (dis)content about everyday scenarios! Sure in the interwebz you can through away "likes" as if they were rice in a wedding but not so much on the real world... That is until today! Now you can show your (dis)approval of a parking ticket, gas prices, restaurant bill, you name it! And since we're talking about a two stamp set (like/dislike) everything is covered!